Ship Restaurant

The site was historically always used as a boat port. It is a river bank in Prague, by the river Moldau (Vltava). The new restaurant is made by recycling an old cargo boat pulled out on the shore. The shore is often used by Prague citizens for walks, cycling, markets etc. The “rusty boat” restaurant is for 80-90 guests. In the summer the upper wooden deck is used for a restaurant extension with a Prague Castle view. The cargo ship is on the same place of today´s existing restaurant. It´s connected to the bank with columns, and the bottom of the boat is 15 cm above the 20 year flood line. This solves the frequent problem of the flooded bank. The insulation is in the dual boat corpus. The windows are cut through the rusty casing and it respects the construction ribs.

Ship Restaurant
Rašínovo nábřeží, Prague
3. year class , AAAD Prague
Jarin Krouz ©|

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