Pilsen Main Train Station: the Key of Developing the Area

final Diploma project, studio of Architecture I., AAAD Prague



This diploma project displays the possible future of the Main Train Station in Pilsen and its surrounding area. It is a sample situation, where the cooperation of the private, public and transport sector can start the blossom of the city. The suggested result is exactly made for the situation in Pilsen but the principles are portable to similar situations anywhere. The author was searching for an ideal solution based on detailed analyzes of the actual situation and historical urban evolution. Designation of the basic problems lead to the decision to create a new urbanistic order, enriching the functions of the city, creating a new concept of public and private transportation.

The proposed urban area and the situation today viewed from the bridge.

The veiw towards the “transportation control building” and the situation today.
The proposed idea and the reality.


Urbanism of the surrounding area

The area around the train station is a city torso missing a clear defined urban structure. The aim of the project is to „reinforce“ this area into a full city quarter with crucial functions.


The Scwartz plan of Pilsen. 

The whole cahnged area

Bus Station

Pilsen is planning the displacement of the bus station near the Main Train Station. All the proposals build a new separate building close to the train station behind the barrier of the tracks. I follow up this idea of bringing the two stations together. Thenew bus station is inserted right behind the train station into a new digged „moat“. The two stations are merged together into one transport terminal sharing services, waiting rooms, shops etc. The new terminal is ended with a high rise „transportation control building“. It has a motif of a clock on the mesh coveredfacade.

The situation today is bad. The bus station built in the 70´s is located on the oposite side of the city. That makes the transfer between the train station and bus station very complicated.

Train Station

The historical building is reconstructed into the original appearancefrom 1908. Two restaurants, waiting rooms for the 1. and 2. class are inserted into the historical part. The barrier of tracks is eliminated by its reduction to the minimal needed number. Pedestrian underpasses are built too. Leading under the whole length of the tracks and being supplemented with shops change them into a passage. Elevators, escalators and stairs to the train platforms lead directly from this passage. The only original entrance is extended by five new.

The axanometry of the whole area

The view of the area today

The plan with shops all around the new underpasses

Automobile Transportation

High density transportation on the streets surrounding the Train Station is unsuitable. A new circular street is built around the new terminal station instead of old buildings. This creates a new circulating transport scheme needed for the public transportation and service transportation. The old and new vehicle underpass are one way streets.

Public Transportation

The situation today is bad. Far transportation stops with an absurd underpass and only one entrance makes the transfer between transportation very difficult. The aim of the proposal is bringing the the transportation stops as close as possible. Four new stops are inserted on the border of the terminal. Vehicular transportation with public and service transportation is rotating around the new transportation terminal.

Pilsen Main Train Station: the Key of Developing the Area
Pilsen, CZ
Final Diploma project
Jarin Krouz © | myarch.net

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