Konverze pivovaru, Buštěhrad

Buštěhrad is a village between two big cities, Prague and Kladno. Its distance and good infrastructure makes the place strategic for development. The old brewery, was planned to be destroyed and replaced by the owner. This task was made to save the building and show the owner what to do with the existing structure. The

Brewery today: The huge building complex creates the “heart”of the village square and paradoxicallvy it is totally enclosed. It includes a number of meaningless annexed buildings. This status is untanable.

Next step: After the demolition of the annexed buildings and walls, the barriers to the surounding site will disappear. The area is releaved. A “horse staircase” is inserted between the houses: it separates the new from old and creates a new connection to the village square with the pond. The supporting structure of the old brewery are perimeter walls. New vertical slabs that separate the areas of apartments are inserted into them are small, but tall. Each includes an indenpendent door and staircase. The illumination is made by the newly cut gaiant windows that respect the plaster decoration and constructional system. The roof framing is replaced by a new floor. The basement is filled with sevral functions: café, fitness, spa and comercial places (4-5 shops). The amazing brick vaults of the basement are preserved. The different functions are separated with glass walls with  curtains.

 Urbanism: The building has a potential to create a center to this part of the village. The walls are cleared, the space between the buildings is paved, a connection with the pond is made. The new functions combinated with living creates a new urban space. The dead part of the village can be changed into a living one

Konverze Buštěhradského pivovaru
Buštěhrad, CZ
internship at CTU Prague
studio Stemepl & Beneš
Jarin Krouz © | myarch.net

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